Critical Path Method Algorithm Python

Python -- Posted on March 15, 2021

The provided code defines the data list containing information about various activities and their dependencies. The calculate_critical_path function then calculates the critical path for these activities and prints the result using json.dumps.

When you run the script, the output will be a formatted JSON representation of the critical_path data, including the earliest start (es), earliest finish (ef), latest start (ls), latest finish (lf), and slack time for each activity.

                import json
data = [
        'activity': 'a',
        "duration": 3,
        "predecessor": []
        'activity': 'b',
        "duration": 4,
        "predecessor": ['a']
        'activity': 'c',
        "duration": 2,
        "predecessor": ['a']
        'activity': 'd',
        "duration": 5,
        "predecessor": ['b']
        'activity': 'e',
        "duration": 1,
        "predecessor": ['c']
        'activity': 'f',
        "duration": 2,
        "predecessor": ['c']
        'activity': 'g',
        "duration": 4,
        "predecessor": ['d', 'e']
        'activity': 'h',
        "duration": 3,
        "predecessor": ['f', 'g']

def calculate_critical_path(data):
    for activity in data:
        es = 0
        predecessors = activity['predecessor']

        if predecessors:
            es = max(d['ef'] for d in data if d['activity'] in predecessors)

        ef = es + activity['duration']
        activity['es'] = es
        activity['ef'] = ef
        activity['ls'] = 0
        activity['lf'] = 0
        activity['slack'] = 0

    # Calculate ls, lf, and slack in reverse order of activities
    max_lf = data[-1]['ef']  # Initialize max_lf with the last activity's ef
    for activity in reversed(data):
        successors = [d for d in data if activity['activity'] in d['predecessor']]
        lf = max_lf if not successors else min(d['ls'] for d in successors)
        activity['lf'] = lf
        activity['ls'] = lf - activity['duration']
        activity['slack'] = activity['lf'] - activity['ef']
        max_lf = activity['lf']  # Update max_lf for the next iteration

    return data

critical_path = calculate_critical_path(data)
print(json.dumps(critical_path, indent=4, sort_keys=True))

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