Jquery function for django display error data

jQuery -- Posted on May 15, 2022

This code is a JavaScript function named display_error_data(data). It seems to handle error data received as input and displays the errors in the console and on the web page as error messages for form fields.

Let's break down the function step by step:

  1. console.info("error:", data);: This line prints the entire data object to the console with the label "error".

  2. $.each(data['errors'], function( index, value ) { ... });: This is a jQuery each loop that iterates over the data['errors'] object, assuming data is an object that contains an 'errors' property.

  3. console.info(index, ':', value);: Inside the loop, this line logs each index (key) and its corresponding value (error message) to the console.

  4. $("[name='" + index + "']").addClass('is-invalid');: This line selects the HTML element with a name attribute equal to the current index value (assumed to be a form field name) and adds the 'is-invalid' class to it. The 'is-invalid' class is commonly used in Bootstrap for styling form fields with validation errors.

  5. $("[name='" + index + "']").after("<div class='invalid-feedback'>" + value + "</div>");: This line appends a new <div> element with the class 'invalid-feedback' after the selected form field. This new div will contain the value from the loop (the error message) and will be displayed as an error message for the corresponding form field.

To summarize, this function is designed to handle error data and display it as error messages for specific form fields on a web page. The assumption is that the data parameter contains an 'errors' property, which is an object with keys representing the form field names and values representing the error messages for those fields.

                function display_error_data(data){
      $.each(data['errors'], function( index, value ) {
        console.info(index, ':', value);
        $("[name='" +index + "']").addClass('is-invalid');
        $("[name='" +index + "']").after("<div class='invalid-feedback'>"+ value + "</div>");

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