django get model urls with namespace

Django -- Posted on June 29, 2021

This code appears to be a method called get_urls inside a Django model class. The purpose of this method is to generate URLs for various views related to the model. It uses Django's reverse_lazy function to construct the URLs based on the app label and class name.

Here's a breakdown of what each URL represents:

  1. list_url: URL for the list view of the model instances. This URL is constructed using the format <app_label>:<class_name>-list.

  2. create_url: URL for the create view, typically used to add new instances of the model. This URL is constructed using the format <app_label>:<class_name>-create.

  3. detail_url: URL for the detail view of a specific model instance. It includes the primary key (pk) of the instance in the URL. This URL is constructed using the format <app_label>:<class_name>-detail with the pk parameter.

  4. update_url: URL for the update view of a specific model instance. Similar to the detail URL, it includes the primary key (pk) of the instance. This URL is constructed using the format <app_label>:<class_name>-update with the pk parameter.

  5. delete_url: URL for the delete view of a specific model instance. It also includes the primary key (pk) of the instance. This URL is constructed using the format <app_label>:<class_name>-delete with the pk parameter.

The reverse_lazy function is used instead of reverse to delay URL resolution until the URL is actually needed, which is a common practice when using URLs in class-based views or models.

To use this method, you would typically call it on an instance of the model, and it will return a dictionary containing the URLs for the list, create, detail, update, and delete views associated with that specific instance.


                def get_urls(self):
        from django.urls import reverse_lazy
        app_label = self._meta.app_label
        klass = self.__class__.__name__.lower()
        list_url = reverse_lazy('{}:{}-list'.format(app_label, klass))
        create_url = reverse_lazy('{}:{}-create'.format(app_label, klass))
        detail_url = reverse_lazy('{}:{}-detail'.format(app_label, klass),
        update_url = reverse_lazy('{}:{}-update'.format(app_label, klass),
        delete_url = reverse_lazy('{}:{}-delete'.format(app_label, klass),
        return {
            'list_url': list_url,
            'create_url': create_url,
            'detail_url': detail_url,
            'update_url': update_url,
            'delete_url': delete_url

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