Django function to create query string

Django -- Posted on Nov. 21, 2021

The create_query_string function appears to be a Python function that takes a request object as input and generates a query string from the parameters in the request's GET parameters. This query string can then be used in HTTP requests to pass data to a web server. The function is designed to omit the 'page' parameter from the query string, assuming it is some kind of pagination-related parameter.

Here's a step-by-step explanation of how the function works:

  1. query_params = []: Initializes an empty list called query_params, which will be used to store the key-value pairs from the GET parameters that are not related to the 'page' parameter.

  2. for key in request.GET.keys():: Iterates over all the keys in the GET parameters of the request object.

  3. if key != 'page':: Checks if the key is not equal to 'page'. If it is not 'page', it proceeds with the following steps to process the key-value pairs.

  4. values = request.GET.getlist(key): Gets the list of values associated with the current key. In some cases, a key can have multiple values (e.g., when submitted via a multi-select form field).

  5. for value in values:: Iterates over each value associated with the current key.

  6. if value:: Checks if the value is not empty. If it's not empty, it proceeds with the following step.

  7. query_params.append("{}={}".format(key, value)): Formats the key-value pair into a string in the format "key=value" and adds it to the query_params list.

  8. query_string = "&".join(query_params): Joins all the key-value pairs in query_params with an ampersand (&) as the separator to create the final query string.

  9. return query_string: Returns the generated query string.

Overall, the function filters out the 'page' parameter and constructs a query string with the remaining key-value pairs found in the GET parameters of the request object. The resulting query string can be used to make a new request or to attach additional parameters to an existing URL.


                def create_query_string(request):
    query_params = []

    for key in request.GET.keys():
        if key != 'page':
            values = request.GET.getlist(key)
            for value in values:
                if value:
                    query_params.append("{}={}".format(key, value))

    query_string = "&".join(query_params)
    return query_string

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